04 Feb 2023
Announcing the Public Preview of a new top level CDC resource in ADF
One of the most difficult aspects to building enterprise-ready data integration pipelines is capturing just the latest changed data from disparate sources quickly. Change Data Capture (CDC) is a set of technologies and techniques that enables data engineers to discover changed records as they occur at the source. Azure Data Factory (ADF) has recently added many new CDC-enabled connectors to process change data from SQL, Storage, Cosmos DB, and many other sources. Much of the feedback that we received from our users about this has been centered around making it easy to configure and to continuously detect changes at the source.
04 Feb 2023
Introducing Managed Airflow in Azure Data Factory
Today, we are excited to announce the capability to run Apache Airflow DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graph) within Azure Data Factory, adding a key Open-Source integration that provides extensibility for orchestrating python-based workflows at scale on Azure.
04 May 2015
SQL Server 2016 datasheet
Σήμερα ο Satya Nadella , CEO της Microsoft στα πλαίσια του keynote του Microsoft Ignite ανακοίνωσε την έλευση του SQL Server 2016. Φυσικά αμέσως υπήρχαν και οι απαραίτητες αναρτήσεις στο msdn / TechNet όπου πλέον υπάρχει το datasheet για την νέα έκδοση και τα περιεχόμενα του είναι τα παρακάτω