Σε συνέχεια από το άρθρο μου για τα Row Overflow Page έφτιαξα μια stored procedure που υπολογίζει το μέγεθος του row ανά table
Σε αυτή δεν έχω συμπεριλάβει τα πάντα στον υπολογισμό αλλά αυτό δεν είναι κάτι προβληματικό καθώς η κεντρική ιδέα είναι να μπορεί κανείς να έχει μια πληροφορία που αγγίζει τη πραγματικότητα και μια διαφορά της τάξεως των 2-5 bytes είναι αμελητέα
Απλά εκτελέστε το παρακάτω κώδικα ο οποίος δημιουργεί την sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize στην master database και την κάνει system object ώστε να είναι διαθέσιμη σε κάθε database και με use την database απλά εκτελέστε την.
Στα σχόλια της stored procedure υπάρχουν οι απαραίτητες πληροφορίες
use master
EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize AS SELECT ''stub version, to be replaced''')
alter proc sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize
by Antonios Chatzipavlis - SQLschool.gr
Version History Remarks
1.0 2016-10-06 Initial Version
- Calculates all tables as HEAP
- Does not take into account indexes
- Bit data type calculated as 1/8th of byte
- Shows and calculates the maximum row size per table (max size from all columns)
- The minimum size of row size is 9 bytes because heap record cannot be smaller than forwarding stub size
- Calclulations based on BOL page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189124.aspx
- Return values
schema_name : Name of table schema
table_name : Name of table
num_cols : Number of all table columns
num_variable_cols : Number of variable lenght columns
row_size_bytes : Row size in bytes
Feedback: mailto:help@sqlschool.gr
sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize is free to download and use for personal, educational, and internal
corporate purposes, provided that this header is preserved. Redistribution or sale
of sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the author's express
written consent.
with v0 as
s.name as schemas_name
, o.name as table_name
, c.name as column_name
, t.name as data_type
, c.is_nullable as allows_null
, cast ( case
when t.name='bit' then 1/8
when t.name='image' then 2147483647
when t.name='text' then 2147483647
when t.name='ntext' then 1073741834
when t.name='xml' then 2147483647
when t.name='geometry' then 2147483647
when t.name='geography' then 2147483647
when t.name='varchar' and c.max_length=-1 then 2147483647
when t.name='nvarchar' and c.max_length=-1 then 2147483647
when t.name='varbinary' and c.max_length=-1 then 2147483647
else c.max_length
end as bigint) as col_lenght_bytes
, c.precision as col_precision
, t.max_length as type_lenght_bytes
, t.precision as type_precision
, case
when t.name in ('varchar','nvarchar','varbinary'
then 1
else 0
end as is_var_length
from sys.objects as o
inner join sys.schemas as s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id
inner join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = o.object_id
inner join sys.types as t on t.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
where o.type='U'
), v1 as
select distinct
, table_name
, count(column_name) over (partition by schemas_name,table_name ) as num_cols
, sum(case when is_var_length = 0 then col_lenght_bytes else 0 end) over (partition by schemas_name,table_name) as fixed_data_size
, count(case when is_var_length = 1 then column_name else null end) over (partition by schemas_name,table_name) as num_variable_cols
, sum(case when is_var_length = 1 then col_lenght_bytes else 0 end) over (partition by schemas_name,table_name) as max_var_size
from v0
), v2 as
select schemas_name
, table_name
, num_cols
, num_variable_cols
, fixed_data_size
+ case when num_variable_cols > 0 then (2+(num_variable_cols*2) + max_var_size) else 0 end -- variable data size
+ (2 + ( ( v1.num_cols + 7 ) / 8 )) -- null bitmap
+ 4 -- header overhead
as row_size
from v1
), v3 as
select v2.schemas_name as [schema_name]
, v2.table_name
, v2.num_cols
, v2.num_variable_cols
, case
when v2.row_size < 9 then 9 -- heap record cannot be smaller than forwarding stub size
else v2.row_size
end as row_size_bytes
from v2
select * from v3
order by 1,2;
-- make it system object
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_EstimatedTablesRowSize ;